Christian Ballet Dance Training Program - Auditions Tacoma Washington




Ballet Ministry Apprentice Program

Company Dancer Positions

Be a part of the work that God is doing through Paradosi Ballet Company as we worship God and share His hope with the world through dance!

Paradosi Ballet Company has opportunities for dancers in our Ballet Apprenticeship Program and other dancer positions with the Company for the 2025/2026 Season!*  


click here - to apply online



In Person Auditions • March 23-25, 2025

In Person Audition Applications are Due no later than February 25, 2025

In Person Auditions are by invitation only


Additional Audition Opportunities for the 2025/2026 Season:

After our March in-person auditions, there may be additional audition opportunities. Please contact us for more information about: 

• Auditioning in-person on an alternative date

• Attending and Auditioning during our Summer Dance Intensive

(SDI option only available for dancers ages 18 - 21)

*Auditions are open to dancers who will be 18 or older by the start of the 2025/2026 Season in September of 2025.

**There is a $10 Audition Fee due when you submit your application

***The application and audition process are the same for all dancer positions


We encourage you to use the  following document to help gather the information that you will need in submitting your application.  This document contains the questions asked on the application, required photos, video requirements, and reference letter requirements. 




    • We require a minimum of one personal reference letter from someone who knows you well
    • Letters from your pastor, youth group leader, or small group leader are preferred
    • Letters from a studio owner, dance instructor, teacher, or employer are acceptable
    • Reference letters should not be from a family member

    References should mail their letters to:

    Paradosi Ballet Company

    4020 S 56th Street, Ste 105

    Tacoma, WA 98409

    The may also email their letters to:

Why We Dance

"The time is coming, indeed it’s here now, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way." John 4:23

Paradosi Ballet Company is a faith-based organization whose mission is that: "Through the arts we will Worship God, Love People, Share the Gospel, and Make Disciples of Jesus Everywhere We Go".  

It is our desire that God will use us as instruments of His love to open hearts to receiving His message of hope through our worship, testimonies, and the sharing of the Gospel message. We do not dance for applause, we dance to worship God and to make Him known!

Visit our YouTube page to learn more about who we are, our dancing style, and why we have chosen to use dance for the glory of God. 

Dancer Opportunities With Paradosi Ballet

  • Paradosi utilizes an apprenticeship approach to training the next generation of dancers to use their gifts in dance to glorify the Lord and to make Him known.  Paradosi's apprenticeship program is an immersive ballet and ministry trainee program that puts what dancers learn into practice through first-hand ministry opportunities throughout the year.   Dancers in the program will be fully immersed into Paradosi's culture and dance style while being mentored to take on greater dance and ministry responsibilities.  Dancers will train and serve along side the Senior Apprentices and Company Artists of Paradosi while receiving more focused instruction and corrections. 

    Apprentices will:  Learn and share Paradosi repertoire, participate in gospel focused theological training through our cohort with Western Seminary, participate in evangelism and prayer ministry training, learn how to teach dance in a Christian dance studio, participate in choreography opportunities, and additional tasks associated with serving in a full-time ministry. 

    The Apprentice Program is a two-year vocational dance ministry training program.  Apprentices with the ministry are typically dancers who are coming right out of high school or college with little to no professional dance ministry experience. As students, Apprentices pay monthly tuition dues. Apprentices commit to a 10-month formal training seasons each touring year from September through the end of Paradosi's Summer Dance Intensive in late June or early July. Not all Apprentices may tour; touring opportunities with Paradosi Ballet will be by invitation during the season from the Artistic Director.  While Apprentices are students with the ministry, they are still eligible to seek individual missional support while training with the ministry. 

  • Senior Apprentice positions are open to dancers who have either completed Paradosi's Apprentice Program, have completed another Christian ballet trainee program, have already served with another Christian dance ministry, or have had a dance career with a professional company accompanied with some ministry experience. Each dancer is evaluated on an individual basis for opportunities with the ministry.

    The time that a dancer spends as a Senior Apprentice is an opportunity for the dancer to continue to grow as an artist, in their technical skills as a dancer, and or to be further equipped for ministry.  Serving as a Senior Apprentice gives dancers an opportunity to grow while seeing if Paradosi is a fit for the calling that God has placed on their life to serve with the ministry.  

    Senior Apprentices will have opportunities to minister through dance and tour in the US and internationally at the discretion of the Artistic Director. Senior Apprentices may have opportunities take on other responsibilities in the ministry by invitation of the Artistic Director.  Senior Apprentices are full-time volunteers with the ministry and are eligible to seek individual missional support while serving with the ministry. 

  • Company Artists are dancers who have previously served with the ministry as a Senior Apprentice who have shown a consistent dedication to upholding the mission, vision, and values of the organization.  Company Artists have a heart for Jesus and have expressed a long-term desire to serve with the ministry.  

    Company Artists may have opportunities to create choreography, set choreography, teach company class, lead devotions, plan company events, take on administrative rolls, and other opportunities as assigned by the Artistic Director. 

    Company Artists are full-time volunteers with the ministry but receive a minimal allowance to help cover ministry related expenses while serving with Paradosi. Company Artists are eligible to seek individual missional support while serving with the ministry. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the audition process different for the different dancer positions? 

    • The application and audition process are the same for the Apprentice Program and other company dancer positions. 
    • Placement as an Apprentice or other company dancer positions are at the discretion of the Audition Committee of Paradosi Ballet Company. 

    How long is the Apprentice Program? 

    • The Apprentice Program is a two-year vocational dance ministry training program; however, each dancer is evaluated on an individual basis throughout each season.  Some dancers may take more time and some dancers may take less time to complete the program. 
    • Apprentices begin their training in late August or early September (depending on the Fall performance schedule) and their year ends on the last day of our summer dance intensive; usually during the last week of June or first week of July.  If an Apprentice is asked to travel during a summer outreach tour, their commitment will be extended to the end of the tour. 

    What are the age requirements to audition? 

    • Applicants may be 17 when they audition but they must be 18 years of age or older by the start of the next season.  

    What does a typical weekly schedule look like at the studio?
    We are in the studio Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 3:00pm most days.  

    A typical day in the studio looks like this:
    • 9:30-10:00am Devotions
    • 10:00 - 10:30am Warmup
    • 10:30 - 12:30pm Technique Class
    • 12:30 - 12:45pm Lunch
    • 12:45 - 3:00/3:30pm Rehearsal
    Additionally throughout the season we include ministry and theological training, a group Bible study, and share during local outreach opportunities.

    Are there costs associated with the Apprentice Program? 

    • Apprentice's are students with the ministry and they pay a monthly tuition in the form of dues for the training they will receive. 
    • Apprentices also pledge to cover their Ministry Training Materials and Costume expenses at the beginning of the season.  This pledge covers Bible study books, materials, and performance costume creation and alterations.
    • Apprentices are also responsible for their own personal living expenses such as but not limited to housing, transportation, meals, insurance, dance shoes, dance clothing, etc.

    What are the expenses associated with being a Senior Apprentices or Company Artist?

    • Senior Apprentices and Company Artists are considered full-time volunteers with the ministry. 
    • Senior Apprentices and Company Artists are responsible for their own personal living expenses such as but not limited to housing, transportation, meals, insurance, dance shoes, dance clothing, etc.
    • Senior Apprentices are still considered students with the ministry and pledge to cover their Ministry Training Materials and Costuming Fee at the beginning of the season. This pledge covers Bible study books, materials, and performance costume creation and alterations. Senior Apprentices do not pay tuition. 
    • Company Artists do not pay any fees or tuition.

    How are dancers supported?

    • ALL DANCERS: Dancers need to raise their own support to be in the ministry like a traditional missionary.  
    • MISSIONARY SUPPORT: Some dancers choose to raise direct missionary support to provide for their needs while serving in the ministry.  As Paradosi was not set up to accept gifts that benefit an individual, we cannot provide direct compensation to our dancers for missionary support.  While Paradosi cannot accept any gifts that benefit an individual, some of our dancers have partnered with a third-party Christian organization that was set up for this purpose.  If a dancer pursues this option, they will be responsible for building their own support network of family, friends, churches, and businesses to give in support of their service.
    • SELF SUPPORTED: Some dancers work part-time jobs in the evenings or on weekends to support their service in the ministry much like Paul working as a tent maker.  Some dancers teach dance in our school or at other local studios, some work remote jobs, while others work in retail or food service. 
    • FAMILY SUPPORTED: Some families of dancers in the Apprentice Program treat the program like college or a vocational school and provide some or all of the support for their dancer while they train and serve with the ministry.
    • COMBINATION SUPPORT: Some dancers use some or all of the previously mentioned methods of obtaining support to provide for their needs.
    • COMPANY ARTISTS:  Company Artist receive a small monthly allowance to help cover some of their direct volunteer related ministry expenses.    The allowance does not cover a dancers living expenses and they will still need to raise individual support and/or work part-time jobs to cover their living expenses while serving in the ministry.   

    Where do dancers live? 

    • Dancers are responsible for finding their own housing. 
    • Unmarried dancers are requested to live with at least one other member of the ministry for accountability and safety.
    • Most dancers live in apartments or houses with 1 to 5 other dancers from the ministry to reduce living expenses. 
    • If accepted into the ministry, dancers are provided contact information for all of the members of the ministry who are looking for housing so they can connect with each other to find a roommate. 

    Will I need a car or can I just use public transportation in Tacoma? 

    • Yes, a car is necessary due to limited public transportation options in Tacoma and the surrounding region.  It is not recommended to rely upon public transportation. 
    • You may of course choose to use public and private transportation services (taxis, Uber, Lyft) but it may be difficult and expensive to utilize with the studio and program schedule.  

    May I attend college while I am with Paradosi? 

    • Yes! We have had many members of the ministry take college courses in their free time, mostly online, as their schedule permits.
    • Please keep in mind that due to performance schedules, especially in December and April-May, we strongly encourage ministry members to only take one or two courses at a time while serving with the ministry. 

    Will Apprentices dance with the company? 

    • Yes! Apprentices dance in worship and minister at local churches, care centers, retirement homes, rehabilitation centers, schools, shelters, and other venues throughout the season with the ministry as assigned by the Artistic Director
    • Apprentices may also go on tour by invitation from the Artistic Director

    Are dancers required to attend a church? 

    • Yes, all members of the ministry are required to find and attend a local Christian church of their own choosing

    What makes Paradosi unique?

    • Paradosi is first and foremost a Christian ministry.  We are not about performing but about reaching people for Jesus through our worship.  One of our core values is ministry first, dance second.  That is not to say that we do not pursue excellence in our dancing but rather that we want our hearts to be aligned with God as we worship Him and share His message of hope. We do not dance for applause but rather with the hope that people will no longer see us but rather the love of God in us as we dance. 
    • We are intentionally compact to be more mobile.  We found that by intentionally keeping the ministry below twenty-members we can go to more places and do more things as a ministry. 
    • We go to the people.  We strongly believe in going to the people verses making them come to us.  We go to large cities and we also go to the small rural towns.  We often dance in worship and share in places that you would never expect to see a ballet company such as homeless shelters, schools, nursing homes, rehab facilities, gyms, fairs, festivals, and street corners.  We dance in large churches and theaters that may accommodate thousands and we dance in small venues with only a handful of people present.  Every venue no matter the size has value to our Heavenly Father and we are excited to continue partnering with Him in His work wherever He opens a door! 
    • We do not want resources to be a hinderance to people encountering the love and beauty of Jesus through the arts. We do not sell tickets to our events as we want everyone to come regardless of their financial circumstances.  We do not look at what we do as a performance or entertainment but rather as a worship and outreach opportunity.  If we reach one person for Jesus during an event, we consider the program a win for Him!

    I am not a United States citizen and I do not have a residency card, may I apply to audition for Paradosi?  

    • While we would love to accept international applicants, at this time the answer for most audition requests from Non-U.S. Citizens is No.
    • Paradosi's Apprentice Program is currently not recognized as a Student Exchange Vocational Program so we cannot assist applicants with obtaining a Student Visa. 
    • In addition, as Senior Apprentice and Company Artist positions are non-compensated Volunteer positions, they do not count as an employment opportunity to obtain a Work Visa.   
    • We cannot and will not assist dancers in obtaining a Visa or Residency / Green Card to be in the United States. 
    • It is up to the individual applicant to pursue and obtain a visa or residency card to be in the U.S. before applying to audition.

    Exceptions for non-US Citizens to Apply to Audition:

    • If an individual is already lawfully in the U.S. or will be in the U.S. for another purpose on a valid visa, such as but not limited to a student visa while they are attending full-time university, they are in the U.S. for employment with a valid work visa, or they are in the U.S. as a missionary on a religious worker visa attached to a church, they may be allowed to apply for an opportunity to audition.  In these situations if a position is offered to an individual to join the ministry after an audition, their study in the Ballet Ministry Apprentice Program or volunteer service in the ministry would be considered "recreational" which means that it cannot be their primary reason for being in the U.S. 
    • If a potential applicant is already in the U.S. as a Permanent Resident with a Green Card, they may apply to audition.
    • If an applicant has dual citizenship with the U.S. they may apply to audition.
    • If you meet one of these application requirements, please contact us before submitting your application to tell us about your situation. 
    • If you do not meet any of these application requirements, we are sorry but we will not be able to process your audition application at this time.  
    • Please keep in mind that even if you do meet the requirements to submit an audition application that this does not guarantee you an opportunity to train with Paradosi.  You will still need to submit an application, audition, and be accepted into the apprentice program.

  • Please feel free to contact our Director, Larissa Bischoff with any questions that you may have about our Apprentice Program, Company Member positions, the audition process, and other audition opportunities. 

    Phone: (253)474-4881


    • We do not want resources to be a hinderance to an individual training through Paradosi's Apprentice Program. 
    • If you cannot afford the requested tuition dues and are in need of financial assistance, please communicate this with us.  We do not want financial resources to be the limiting factor in your decision to train with us.
    • Financial Aid will not be awarded until after an individual has auditioned and been accepted into the Apprentice Program.

Dancer Life in Washington

The dancers in Paradosi come from across the United States from Alaska to Florida and everywhere in between.  It is a step of faith to make the move to Washington to be a part of Paradosi and we hope that you will prayerfully consider joining us in the work that God is doing through this ministry!   

To help you in your decision making process we have compiled a little information on what life looks like here in Tacoma.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us!  We want you to feel welcome as you make this major life decision to pursue dance as a means to reach more for Jesus!

Living, Training, and Ministering in Washington

  • Washington is a beautiful state surrounded by water, forests, mountains, ocean beaches, islands, small coastal towns, and large cities all within a 20-minute to 2-hour drive from our studio.   Even the majestic Mt. Rainier is only a 2-hour drive away and on clear days it stands high above the tree line with an unobstructed view from our studio doors.  

    Tacoma, where we are located, is in a major revitalization stage with an updated downtown, lots of new shops and restaurants, beautiful parks, and a lively waterfront.  Washington has lots to offer and many of our former dancers have made Washington their home after retiring from dance.  We encourage you to come in person and to check out the community for yourself!

    Local Travel Guide: TRAVELTACOMA.COM

  • Most of the dancers in the ministry live with one to four other dancers from the ministry in apartments or houses.  Living with other dancers provides for a lower cost of living, accountability, and room for friendships to grow.  

    After auditions, if you are accepted into the ministry for the following season, we will connect you with the other new dancers and returning dancers for finding roommates.  We suggest that dancers move to Washington in late July but no later than mid-August to allow time to get settled, find employment if needed, and to explore their new home city! 

  • Dancers train with the ministry Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 3:00pm.  

    A typical day is as follows:

    • Devotions
    • Warm up
    • Technique Class
    • Lunch
    • Rehearsals

    Additional classes taught during the week may include:

    • Pointe
    • Contemporary
    • Progressing Ballet Technique
    • Gospel Focused Ministry Training from the Director's of Paradosi and through our cohort with Western Seminary.  (Sample Areas of Study:  Intercultural Ministry, Evangelism, Prayer Ministry, The Gospel, Foundations in Theology, etc.)
  • During a normal season Paradosi will share 40 to 60 worship programs at churches, schools, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, homeless shelter, fairs, festivals, and other events. 

    Local Outreach

    Most of our local outreach programs, but not always, occur during the day during normal studio time. If there will be an evening or weekend opportunity, dancers are given notice to request time off of any outside jobs where they may work.    

    US Tours

    When Paradosi tours in the U.S., the schedule changes every day.  Dancers may be sharing at a school in the morning and teaching master classes at night or start the morning sharing a time of worship during a church service in one city then travel to another city to share a stand alone worship event that night. 

    Joining God in His work on tour is a fun and exhilarating experience!  Expect long travel days followed by lots of interaction with hosts, late nights, early mornings, long and short drive days, technique class and rehearsals at odd times and in unconventional locations.  Touring and sharing God's love and hope on the road is one of our favorite things to do!

    International Tours

    Since 2010 Paradosi has embarked on International Outreach Tours in Europe.  While on tour we partner with local churches, missionaries, and other missional organizations to worship God while sharing the love and hope of Jesus!    We have seen the impact that this ministry has had when we partner with churches and missionaries overseas and we want to continue boldly going out whenever God calls us to go to proclaim His message of hope! 

  • Dancers will have breaks throughout the season but dates are often subject to change based upon program and tour schedules.  

    Typically Dancers will have the following breaks:

    • Christmas Break: 2 to 3 Weeks
    • Spring Break: 1 Week between March and early June
    • Summer Break: 14 to 60 days. Summer Breaks are determined by Paradosi's Summer Dance Intensive Schedule and International Outreach Tours.  Dancers will know their summer break by the middle of May each year. 

    Additional Breaks: 

    • Thanksgiving: This changes every year based upon our December Christmas Outreach Program Schedule.  Thanksgiving break may be only one day on up to having a full week off. 
    • Additional short breaks of 3 to 5 days may be scheduled throughout the year.