We want to join you in worship!

As Paradosi Ballet Company is a parachurch organization, it is our desire to come along side churches and ministries in leading times of worship while pointing people to Jesus. 

It is our prayer that God will use us as instruments of His love as we dance in worship, share our testimonies, and present His Gospel message.  We do not dance to be entertainers, we dance to worship Jesus and to make Him known.  

We regularly partner with organizations for worship programs during: Church Worship Services and Gatherings, Worship Nights, Women's Ministry Events, Youth Ministry Events, K-12 School (Assemblies - Chapels - Special events), Universities, Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Homes, Retirement Communities, Rehab Facilities, Homeless Shelters, Multi-Ministry Outreach Events, Fundraisers, Fairs, and Festivals.

Heart of Worship

"Through the arts we will worship God, love people, share the Gospel, and make disciples of Jesus everywhere we go!"

We are first and foremost worshippers of Jesus. As a ministry chose a name symbolic of our heart as worshipers.  The word, Paradosi, comes from a greek word that means to surrender.  As worshippers it is our hearts desire to surrender our gifts back to God in worship! 

It is our desire to come along side your church or organization in leading times of worship and sharing the hope that we have in Jesus with your community. 

When we share with your community we can take the place of your regular time of worship during your gatherings,  have a song or two inserted into your worship set with your worship team, be dispersed throughout your service, or we can present a stand alone worship event on a day of your choosing.

Full-Length Worship Sets

  • 35-minutes to 1 hour
  • A full worship set typically consists of 4 to 7 songs
  • A full worship set may include live or recorded testimonies from the dancers or from a member of your congregation
  • A Gospel message or other message is often shared from a pastor.  One of the dancers may also share a brief message during or after the dancing
  • The dancers are available to pray and talk with attendees at the end of the service

Short Worship Sets

  • We can share from 1 to 4 songs to fit the needs of your worship service, school chapel, ministry fundraiser, worship night, or outreach event
  • Most of the songs in our repertoire range from 4-minutes to 7-minutes in length
  • The dancers are available to pray with attendees and staff at the end of the  program
Custom Worship Sets & Dancing with a Live Band
  • Custom worship sets to Christian worship songs and or dancing with your churches band may be possible if enough advanced notice is provided.  
  • Please contact us today with your special requests

2024 - 2025 Programs

Grace to Grace

Grace to Grace, is Paradosi's current worship set consisting of Gospel focused worship songs that will help to draw believers into a time of worship while opening the doors for sharing the hope that we have in Jesus with those who do not know Him!  

Grace to Grace is a versatile worship set that can be utilized for many types of worship and outreach events such as:

  • Church Worship Services
  • Women's Ministry Events
  • Worship Nights
  • Evangelistic Outreach Programs
  • Ministry Fundraisers
  • Ministry Conferences
  • School Chapels
  • Care Centers
  • Youth Ministry Events

We would love to partner with you in sharing the hope of Jesus in your community! 

This worship set is available during the Fall, Winter, and Spring.

We do not book during the last two-weeks of June or during the months of July through mid-August.

Carols for the King

Carols for the King is Paradosi's Christmas worship set that brings to your community a collection of Christ centered Christmas carols set to contemporary and instrumental compositions.  

Carols for the King may be used as a complete stand alone worship gathering or individual songs may be selected for us to share during your regularly scheduled worship service, ministry fundraiser, or outreach event.  

A full worship event of Carols for the King includes a speaker from Paradosi sharing the Christmas story combined with the Gospel message woven between the dancing. When requested, an invitation to respond for prayer or to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior may be presented at the end. 

We would love to partner with you this Christmas season in celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  

Available Thanksgiving through Christmas.  Secure your date for this upcoming Christmas or the following year! 

Contact Us

Booking Inquiry Form

To expedite the booking process, we have an optional online booking inquiry form.  

Click Here • Booking Inquire Form

Contact us today! We would love to hear about how you envision us coming along side you in your Gospel work!



Please note that we may not be able to participate in all requested worship opportunities.  Ministry resources and our schedule may effect our ability to participate in some requests.


Type the content for this accordion section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this accordion section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Cost to Bring Paradosi in for a worship event

    • Paradosi does not charge a booking fee, sell tickets, or have a set honorarium request; everything we do is by donation.  We ask partner organizations to prayerfully consider supporting the Gospel work of Paradosi through a gift or love offering that is meaningful to their organization.
    • When praying about a gift that is meaningful to your organization, please keep in mind that Paradosi has direct travel, meal, and supply  expenses for each event in addition to operations.  All gifts received will go to support Paradosi's mission. 
    • If your organization does not have the resources to provide a gift, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.  If your needs are in line with our mission and we have an opening and resources that will allow us to join you, we would love to partner with you in worshipping Jesus and making Him known.   We do not want funds to be a hinderance to our joining you in glorifying Jesus through the arts. 

    Tours and Extended Travel for Events
    • We ask that if we are on tour or if the venue is greater than two-hours away from our studio in Tacoma WA (zip code 98409) that the partner organization will assist with meals and housing for our team.  
    • Meals can either be prepared at the church, restaurant, catering, etc. 
    • Housing may be with host homes from members of the church, motel, hotel, Airbnb, VRBO, etc.  
    • We are fundraising for a motorhome for the ministry. When we have secured one that meets our needs, housing requests may be dropped. 
  • Stage

    • We are very adaptable to a wide variety of venues. We have danced in churches, schools, care centers, universities, theaters, fairs, festivals, and other events.  
    • Under perfect conditions we would have an elevated stage with a minimum depth of 20' and width of 30'.  
    • If your stage does not meet these specifications, we can still share at your venue in most circumstances; however, we may not be able to share all songs in our worship set due to safety or spacing needs.  Please send us photos and or a sketch of the space and we will let you know what we can do! 

    Audio, Lighting, Video

    • Whenever possible we utilize the audio and lighting equipment already at the venue. 
    • When needed, we do have portable audio and lighting equipment available to work with a wide variety of venues from classrooms to gymnasiums.  Our smallest kit involves an 8" battery powered speaker and mixer for when power is not available to our largest system consisting of 15" mains and subwoofers.  When traveling by ground, we can bring equipment with us if required.  When flying we will not be able to bring our equipment due to size and weight.
    • Our worship sets can be run with or without video media.  We sometimes but not always utilize video introductions, testimonies, and endings.  
    • If you would like to have lyrics displayed for your congregation to sing along with us, you will need to utilize your churches CCLI license. 
    • You may stream your events but your venue will be responsible for the appropriate streaming license. 

    Dressing Room

    • Please provide a dressing room for the dancers to change and to store their personal belongings while at the venue. 
    • Snacks and water are appreciated for the dancers back stage. Examples: fruit, vegetables, granola bars, nuts, yoghurt, etc
    • A meal after programs is appreciated.  Please keep in mind that the dancers will not be wanting to eat a meal before they dance but after they dance they will be very hungry. 
    Arrival Time
    • We typically need to arrive at the venue a minimum of 2-hours before the event; 3 to 4 hours is preferred. 
    • The dancers need time to rework their dances for the space, warm up their bodies, and to pray before they dance
    • Depending on the flooring surface and background we may need to lay our marley dance floor and or setup a pipe and drape backdrop. In these circumstances we will need up to 4-hours at the venue before the event. 

  • As we are a worship ministry, we share worship programs, not story ballets.  The focus of our worship is on Jesus of the Christian Bible.

    We call what we do "programs" and not "performances".   The purpose of a performance is to entertain, the purpose of what we do is to worship.  Our mission is that "Through the arts we will Worship God, Love People, Share the Gospel, and Make Disciples of Jesus everywhere we go."   Everything that we do as an organization is to fulfill this mission.  When Paradosi dances in worship it is our hope that people will see a tiny glimpse of the love, hope, and beauty of Jesus and want that for themselves.  When we dance in worship, we are creating space for the Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of those who are watching and worshipping with us.  When we teach students how to dance, it is to teach them to not only grow in the arts but to see how they can use their dancing to worship God.  We do not dance to be entertainers, but to worship God and to lead others in worshipping Him.   Everything comes down to Worship!  

    "But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be his worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

    John 4:23-24

Paradosi Christian Ballet Company is a Christian dance ministry and one of the first christian ballet companies in the US. Book Paradosi for a church worship night, church service, fundraiser, school chapel, fundraiser, or evangelistic event. 

Paradosi Christian Ballet is a 501(c)3 nonprofit Christian religious organization operating under the names: Paradosi Ballet Company and Surrendered School of Dance (one organization with one mission).  The organization has a PERFORMmusic License through Christian Copyright Solutions covering music in the ASCAP, BMI, and SEASAC catalogs for music that we use for non-ticketed events and classes.